Some Editing Required

I recently photographed this bottle of whisky as a portfolio piece, I'm happy with the results but it required an awful lot of editing, at the bottom of this post is a before/after shot so you can see just how much (and to show that advertising images don't generally come straight out of camera).
It made me think about the increasing trend of businesses using social media to advertise.  If a company needs images for social media and web advertising only then lot of time could be saved at the editing stage.  It is a lot easier to "clean" an image for a final web output of say 800 pixels then it is if it needs to stand up to the scrutiny of  a poster sized print.
I recently read an article about how the commercial photography sector is set to grow as companies commission more shoots in order to keep their online presence fresh and thus compete with each other.  They could certainly make their budgets go further (and provide more frequent work to photographers) by commissioning images that only need be <1000 pixels @72dpi.

I hope you like the final image; there will be no opportunity to re-shoot it as I'm now going to drink the contents.

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