Choices, Choices..

I recently took the following image and when it came to the editing stage I was having a play around in Adobe Camera Raw (processing software).  I found several equally valid but completely (completely might be an exaggeration) different ways to edit the image, all of which I liked.  I finally settled on some changes and then did all the usual cleaning up of the image in Photoshop; the final image can be seen immediately below.

I have also included this image to show some possible alternative ways that the final image could have been edited.   It just goes to show, there isn't always a single correct or obvious way to edit in post. Also, you may notice there isn't always just one correct white balance setting.

I'll be posting an article about art reproduction photography in a couple of days where, conversely, I'll talk about photographing subjects where there certainly is only one correct white balance value and editing solution.

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