RSPB Nature of Scotland Awards

I recently shot the RSPB Nature of Scotland Awards at Edinburgh's Balmoral Hotel.  The inaugural event was set up to recognise and reward excellence in conservation and outstanding contribution to preservation. You can read more about the event and it's aims here as well as find out about the winners and Scottish conservation in general.
From a photography point of view the event provided the usual challenges of mixed lighting, dark environments and having many elements to cover.  The green LED backdrop on the stage was particularly troublesome as it had a refresh rate slower than my camera's shutter speed.  As far as a human eye was concerned it looked constantly on but to a camera that was capturing images at 125th of a second it appeared to blink, i.e - looked turned off in some images. Despite that and the inability to use a flashgun at any point I thoroughly enjoyed capturing the story of the evening.

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